This 2 part series consists of 8 related lessons that build upon each other.
These lessons are based on the life work of Feldenkrais Practitioner Dr. Ruthy Alon, and her Bones for Life program (Filter concussive forces, and build bone strength. And these DTM versions of her Awareness Through Movement Lessons® are. designed specially to enhance your riding.
DTM's live classes.
Join Us On Zoom!
4 SESSIONS PER YEAR, spaces fill up early!
$369, includes 6 live classes and recordings.
Next Session: Starts August 31st. Wednesday at 12:00 EST (9 am Pacific, 18:00 Central Europe). Final class is on SATURDAY Sept 24
3 Wednesdays at 12:00 PM EST EST / 9:00 AM PACIFIC. 6:00 PM (18:00) Central Europe, 5:00 PM U.K.
February 8, 15, 22
March 8, 15, 22
These dates or times don't work work you? TUITION INCLUDES VIDEO ACCESS TO THE COMPLETE SERIES.
Class is approximately 1 hr long. Most riders report feeling supple, grounded, revitalized, relaxed, pain free and more immediately following each DTM class. But the results can be seen the day(s) after, both on and off your horse. And the results build upon previous lessons, giving you a leg up for your passion for riding.
Dave Thind teaches live, group DTM Awareness Through Movement classes on zoom. Riders of every level are welcome!
No matter your level of riding or experience with DTM/Feldenkrais, this course will heighten your current level of riding and overall biomechanics.
We welcome you once again (or for the first time!) to join our global community of riders for a fun, relaxing and informative series of 6-classes to Improve Your Riding from Home!
If you are new and would like to ask questions before signing up, please join and post your questions to our student's only Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/744761582959942
We all have the potential for improvement of how we move, sit and ride.
Each 50-minute to 1-hour long class will be followed by Community Q&A with our participants - like minded riders across the world!
Eager to get started? Below is a detailed video on how to do a Feldenkrais Scan. This is not an example of a lesson.. However, we do short versions of scans in class. Each lesson is different, with the same goal - to improve your riding from home! We do a series of gentle movements to educate the nervous system about how to move better, both on and off our horse. Improve a specific riding function, or just overall movement and posture. "See you" soon!
Learn from Dave Thind in the comfort of your own home
Without having to go anywhere, register and join us for a extremely comfortable and effective way of improving your riding! And, each session includes a Q & A period where you can ask Dave questions.
Feel and move better after class and immediately on your next ride!
It is very common to feel supple, tall, grounded, solid and empowered right after class. It is also not uncommon, to have these benefits show up in your riding, after just one class.
Global Community
Join like minded riders from across the world and learn together.
The Dave Thind Method (DTM) uses Feldenkrais principles to help riders improve position/balance, relieve pain and enhance connection and communication with the horse. The foundation of DTM is the understanding that a rider’s movement in the saddle is fundamental and that as riders we must develop awareness of the way that our bodies move on and off of the horse as a prerequisite for moving in harmony with our horses.
A major principle that all riders grasp during Dave’s unmounted Zoom sessions is awareness of unconscious holding patterns and how those patterns lead to subtle imbalances throughout our bodies and therefore our horses’ bodies. When these patterns are recognized and released our horses’ balance improves instantly.
A rider’s seat should be loose, flowing and supple in order to feel and influence details of a horse’s lateral/horizontal balance, center of gravity, directionality, tempo, rhythm, etc. Our dressage education must continue to focus on the seat, our most influential aid and most critical means of influence over the horse. The ability to use our seat in a supple and constructive way without getting into our horses’ way is vital to our progress as dressage riders.
As a Dressage instructor I have become sensitized to the presence of tension in my students bodies and the ripple effect that rider tension has on ridden horses. DTM has helped me with this process. I find that nothing can progress in combination with tension and that students are best served when it is addressed immediately by returning back to basics order to establish rhythm and relaxation.
The online class format begins and ends with discussion of Classical Dressage theory and how it relates to Feldenkrais principals and spends approximately 45 minutes with Dave teaching students Feldenkrais movement lessons. Dave is a Grand Prix rider who underwent formal professional training in Germany. He is always a positive influence and gifted teacher.
Erin Sweeney, Certified Instructor Training-Second Level
"Hi Dave, Am so fortunate and grateful to have found my way into these zoom courses. Some time ago you posted a quote by Feldenkrais “If you move within your range of ability without trying to achieve a goal you improve at the fastest rate possible.” The lights went on in my body and brain as I took that in. I have been trying hard (effort) and not reaching my goals (expectations). In fact, quite the opposite. Encountering setbacks from pain and injury associated with doing too much, too soon, too fast. Resulting in discouragement and frustration. That quote suggested to me “What if I just ride to my ability and ride as often as I can without pain or ?” I ride for recreation and fun. Am not a high level competitor. I want to do it well, with as much ease, grace, suppleness and fluidity possible. (as Erin described today). Because of bone/joint issues I am a careful rider but I do not want to be tense. Hence, the incredible appropriateness of Feldenkrais for riding. These classes have been great! Letting go of effort and exploring movement like an infant. Also, want to thank you for posting videos of your niece. Am four times her age but is great modelling!! Dressage is so beautiful when performed as she does! Will keep doing what I can when I can!I would love to keep learning and applying Feldenkrais to my riding (and my life 😊)."
Janet M
Adult Amateur
Missed a previous series and want to catch up? You can purchase recordings.
Each series is a carefully crafted group of related but independent lessons designed to bring out the most in your riding! Themes that often come up: Pelvic mobility, a supple spine, coordinated and soft aids etc. So you see, themes that can help all riders! Email [email protected] and just let us know what you would like to improve.